Sunday, June 18, 2017

Mystery explained

I've never actually seen a Fiat factory with my own eyes.
But now I know I never will.
Here's the secret of Where New Fiats Come From:

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mount Ventoux

Nearing the end of the long struggle up Mt. Ventoux, a classic climb in the Tour de France

only to be astonished by this sight at the very top:

The impact of those brilliant colors and intense aromas, after the long climb through moonscape, simply cannot be described.

Cat Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Felines

A series of furniture-like objects which are actually resonant cavities for trapped felines.

Basic CASEF:

Dual-beam CASEF:
Free-feline CASEF:

CASEF for felines in a low-energy state:

Provision of a suitable beam-dump is left as an exercise for the experienced user.

What I want for Christmas

My old bike just doesn't satisfy anymore. I need something REAL, something TOUGH, something ITALIAN:

I ran across this in a link from David Thompson:

Gianluca Gimini's Velocipedia

Renderings of bicycles from drawings by folks of all ages, from memory.
Absolutely wonderful.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Adequate heat

I'm sitting in my sister's kitchen, watching her son carmelize sugars on creme brulee.  Using a huge MAPP gas brazing torch.  I hope they have the Fire Dept. on speed-dial.

Thursday, August 8, 2013